
52 Audio Reviews

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Wow, this song feels so nostalgic. The melodies from the beginning and how the song flows is good. Although, its still feels like some stuff done in this song has already been done a dozen times in 2007, plus this song is just too short! I mean, 2 minutes really? This song feels like it could have done so much more. You got nice melodies, you got good sound, now expand from them and you got an even more outstanding song.
By short i mean this song gets over its ideas too quickly and just goes on. Not to mention this song sounds too bland in my opinion, like, it needs more background bass synths, since the only one it has just doesnt feel like enough.
The melodies in here are really good, if not beautiful, the problem is it just doesnt go even further, and thus this song feels a little bit incomplete. The flow is really good though, but the content is missing.
This song is really enjoyable, since it feels like its telling a story, or at least lets you make one by just listening to it, the problem is it falls too short and thus i wouldnt be able to listen to it more than a dozen times because i would have memorized the entire song by then and thus feel tired of listening to it. But overall, pretty good song that has aged wonderfully.

Alright, so i decided to have a listen to some dubstep songs from early 2010's to see which ones have aged well and are still tolerable, with that i mean i can still enjoy at least some stuff they bring to the table.
Xtrullor is one of those artists that never really fell to the generic dubstep train of that time, even when his fans demanded it, as he actually tried to make the songs sound good for him, and not for kids with no good taste (yeah i used to be one of those sadly), and this means his songs are one of those few that have aged pretty good.
This song isnt trying to be generic, although you can hear it still uses some really overused effects, even if they arent as used as in other songs. The heavy synths used here are actually enjoyable, although the "wah-wahs" arent so much. I like some "orchestral" arrangements used here, Xtrullor does put effort in them and i like it. I would've loved if the song had a bigger melodic interlude, i feel that could've fit the song really well. Plus the song feels just a little bit repetitive, as it doesn't really go anywhere at first, until the middle part arrives but falls too short before going back to the heavy synths and high notes.
Although i must say this song is quite catchy, while im writing this i can still hear the chorus banging, and its not annoying, its a catch you enjoy having in your head, if you know what i mean, but its almost the only thing you are left with as this song doesn't go away from there.
Dont get me wrong, this song is pretty good, and aged well, its just not a song i would love to listen a dozen times again. It could (and should) be longer, but as it is, is fine. In my opinion, this song is not bad as it actually stands out from all those generic dubstep songs, but does that make it perfect? Eh not really, but did i enjoy it after not listening to it for years? Yes, i did, and thats why im giving it the score im giving and not 0 stars.

nice track m8, keep it up :D

Instrex responds:

Thanks :D

nice track m8, keep it up :)

This song definitely deserves more appreciation

This song made me cry a bit for a strange reason



Not bad at all actually, keep doing tracks please :)

I'm a musician who also happens to have a bass and a big afro.

Richie @Mechanical-Head

Age 22, Skeleton


Tecnológico de Monterrey


Joined on 5/8/16

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